Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Restraunt City Secret!

Still need a few dozen cheese and now they throw this duck at you as well?  Worry no longer, you can get all you need!  I've been testing this for a couple of days, and checked again after the update to make sure its still working, but here's a little secret for you! 

Locked crates are in every single restaurant!

No I'm not on drugs.  They really are!  Here's what you do...  Load up your restaurant and hit the street.  Scroll through all your neighbors, and only visit the ones with locked crates.  Once you've gotten them all, head back to your place, save the game, and exit.  Now reload Restaurant City, and head back out to the streets....look at that more locked crates!  Get them all, wash, rinse repeat.  You can keep saving and reloading until you've pulled a locked crate out of every single neighbor.  It appears since the patch the locked ones only contain cheese and ducks, so once you've gotten your fill you can go back to the normal method so you have a chance to find crates with eggs, and vanilla and other odds and ends.

I hope you enjoy this tip, and happy cheesing!  :)

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