
How do I get the free Restaurant City ingredients?

First, you'll need to add me and Samous to your friends list.
Add me by clicking profile, and then clicking "Add as Friend".
Add Samous by clicking profile, and then clicking "Add as Friend."

Second, wait for the friend request to be accepted.  As soon you've been accepted you can collect items posted by that person.  For example, if Samous has accepted, and you're still waiting for me, you can still collect items from his posts.

Third, click the link for the item you wish to receive (you'll need to be logged into your Facebook account).  The app will load, and you'll have the GK there asking if you want to accept the gift.

You can only accept 20 gifts in a 24 hour period, Playfish rule not mine, so choose which items you want carefully.

Keeping in mind that you can only get 20gk gifts per day...I have a new link that I'm hoping some people will enjoy.  Its all the items together in one link.  If you click the one link, it should load to a page with a yellowish bar across the top.  Wait for the page to load, when you see the blue Facebook box, click it.  Then RC should load, and you should have the GK ask you repeatedly to accept all the gifts from that post.

There's a search box on the right side of the screen.  The RC links expire after 48 hours, but depending how much I've posted that day, it might get pushed off sooner.  Feel free to search the site using the search box.  You can also use the label cloud to find items.

Are you looking for the news updates I keep talking about?  There's a bar that loads at the bottom of the screen, if you flash enabled (you're playing FB games, so you should!).  There's a lot of neat tools on the bar, and the news should pop-up on the right side of it every time you refresh the page.   If it doesn't pop-up for you automatically look on the right side of the bar, you'll see what looks like a little man surrounded by (()).   If you click on that button, the announcement should now pop-up.

For FarmTown items

You don't have to be neighbors with me to accept items on the FarmTown pages.  Click the tab at the top labeled FarmTown, and it will open the master page.  You'll see from there a list of icons to choose from.  Pick what you'd like to get, and you'll be taken to the page for that item.  From there you can click each item to collect it.  I generally open each one in a new tab, then visit each tab to collect the gift, and close that tab.

I will try and update the FarmTown pages periodically.  I'm trying to work out a set day of the week just for FarmTown posts.  The FarmTown gifts are collectible daily, they don't expire the same as the RC gifts do.  So you can collect them again after 24 hours.  Sometimes they'll be good for a week or more, sometimes only a day...not sure why.

Keep in mind that if you visit very many pages you could fill up your gift box rather quickly.  So in between collections, hop into the game to empty your giftbox.

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Want to advertise on my site?  Contact me!  There's a donate button if you'd like to help out that way, and more info about that from my About Me page.

If you need to contact me you can do so through Facebook or email me at fbgamer007 AT
